Treasures, Paracelsus & Goethe
The spirit of fire comes from the Sun, the spirit of water comes from the Moon, and the spirit of soil comes from the Earth. Air (Mercury) acts as a neutral connector, flowing in all directions, alchemizing fire (Sun), water (Moon), and soil (Earth) into being. The Sacred Four rule over the four Fixed points of the compass and represent a manifestation of the Divine force in everyday existence that could be touched, felt, and appreciated.
"If I have manna in my constitution, I can attract manna from heaven. Saturn is not only in the sky, but also deep in the ocean and Earth. Melissa officinalis is not only in the garden, but also in the air and in heaven. What is Venus but the Artemisia vulgaris that grows in your garden, and what would become of your heart if there were no Sun in the Universe?”
Goethe, in Faust, echoes this feeling, reflecting:
“…With impulse, mystic and divine,
The powers of Nature here, around my path, revealing?
Am I a God? – so clear mine eyes!
In these pure features, I behold
Creative Nature to my soul unfold.”
First, what must have been like for these men to have lived in such an intensely intimate relationship with All That Is?
Perhaps in less direct ways do we discover, through the process of searching for our inner knowing, as Paracelcius and Goethe did, that the heavens are impressed upon the Earth and the human constitution through the mystical link that binds the soul to the stars.
This, in a sense, means that it is in our genetic memory to look up to the silent midnight sky. Just as the sacred Stars, the Moon, and the Sun belong to the Earth's heaven, so does the Earth belong to the heaven of the Moon and the Sun. As we look up to them, they look up to us. They are our heaven; we are their heaven. We reveal their will, and they show ours.
Written by Sanja Kljaic
Animation by Kaja Horvat. Crochet napkin made by Kaja's dear 'artist' grandma Alenka.