Stellar Wheel
strological map at birth


Aldous Huxley

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10 minute read
Divine Realm of Metacognitive Gnosis
If we accept Aldous Huxley’s statement that:

“there are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception”,

then we accept that there are certain states of consciousness where everything is interconnected, everything that is happening, that has happened or that will happen. The question is, can we handle understanding what is happening around us all at once in its entirety? In the moment of focus that is different than usual, are we confident that we could handle our own personal Faust or Judas 1 the misunderstood friend of Jesus, appearing in all their mighty glory within the universe of our holographic mind?

It is said that when the “doors of perception” open ever so little, we catch a glimpse of this holographic cosmic mind where different dimensions blend as all life - past, present, and future - and become one. Huxley, England's finest son, was tasked to elaborate extensively on this concept of the multidimensional mind, the interconnected states of consciousness, and the many possible effects that arise from it.  

He was best known for two things: first, his habit of writing under the influence of various mind-expanding substances; second, his ability to craft a language that encapsulated the confident tone of aristocratic authority 2.

This eminent Victorian eloquently argued that humans crave the invocation of Dionysian creative ecstasy within the simplicity of their hearts. Why? Why, indeed. Well, it can be argued that the experience of such creative ecstasy allows the individual to catch a momentary glimpse of eternity, as succinctly captured by William Blake in his famous quote:

"He who binds to himself a joy, does the winged life destroy, he who kisses the joy as it flies, lives in eternity's sunrise."

The quote suggests that by experiencing the joy of creative ecstasy, one can achieve a sense of timelessness. This fleeting experience of eternity has been a subject of interest for many scholars and philosophers throughout history, including Aldous Huxley.

In particular, throughout his life, Huxley remained in a continuous trance of the language that transports us. He said that the most incredible gift bestowed upon humanity is the gift of language since language mediates our relationship with the self and others. 3 
Huxley's appreciation for language extended beyond its practical uses. He believed language was an art form capable of conveying complex emotions and ideas through symbols and metaphors. He argued that language had the power to transcend the limitations of individual experience, allowing us to connect with others on a universal level.

“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly - they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced”.

This keeper of the cosmic library was Influenced heavily by Mercury. He was a chameleon-like figure who could bring into the written realm the forms of unknown things 4 He would do so by uncovering soul memories, tuning in, filtering, and experiencing everything emotionally to fully understand and evolve beyond it.

Three major planetary energies occupy Huxley’s 12th house: Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto creating a strong psychological need to melt back into the oneness of existence and lose all separateness to the self. These energies pull Huxley towards the idea that the human brain can know the entire universe. To truly understand that the world is more than what we can grasp with our senses is a very large leap indeed.

Embodying the very essence of the Leo sun,  Huxley, like his sign, stood out in a crowd physically and metaphorically as the tallest man in the room proudly proclaiming: “I will!” Will to what? The will to knowledge? No. The will to transformation? No. The will to create his own self, his own world, and his own personal values. To forge the mind and creative forces in the fires of the heart and express this wilful energy in all that he does. “I wanted to change the world. But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.”

Leo, as a Solar being carries the masculine, initiating energies of Godhead and as such abides by the Law that affirms, “follow your bliss and the doors will open where there were no doors before”
5.  The enthusiastic cat captures the rich rewards of life and brings blessing to others through their enormous heart. 

The Lion interprets his generosity as evidence that he is well-off, and therefore life leads him to expect to receive more good fortune. An interesting observation regarding the Leo sun is the bright Solar frequencies it emits, which are nurturing in nature. Alpha Leonis emanates golden rays of light whether they want to or not. This is because their cosmic parent, the Sun, is the physical representation of the Source and a portal to the Cosmic Heart.

The fixed personification of the Leo sun, one of the four agents of the vital force 6,  urged Huxley to reach into his Nietzsche, follow his "heart of gold," and pave the way for future generations. This brave leader of modern thought had the Cosmic Finger 7  pointing directly at him, reminding him every step of the way to listen to the voice that doesn’t use words, the voice of the heart.

As the ‘chosen one,’ his modus operandi when it comes to his quest for the Holy Grail was to deliberately and diligently reconstruct his beliefs from the ground up and stay true to his unconventional journey of perception. The sole purpose of this journey was to upgrade the self and advance the collective consciousness of humanity 8.

From a very early age, Aldous Huxley was seen as different. As a child, he spent a good deal of his time sitting quietly, contemplating the loveliness of things. His family life was a very happy one
9 although expectations were high regarding his standard of behaviour.

Huxley was born into an elite family of intellectual English aristocrats who desired to acquire, to advance and to disseminate knowledge and improve humanity. An assumption of responsibility held only by a handful of upper-middle-class families in the mid-Victorian era 10.

Huxley’s father encouraged him to appreciate the past, especially human evolution. His mother taught him the value of education and literature. With this rich heritage, Huxley looked at the world on the one hand with the cool objectivity of a scientist 11 and on the other with the imaginative sympathy of an artist. 

Huxley’s mother, Julia, was described as a remarkable and admirable woman, loved by many. She had original ideas about education and went on to establish a school for girls 12, an impressive feat for this time, encouraging a love of books, culture, and solitude, allowing girls an unusual amount of freedom of thought and expression. Encircled by a heart on an olive tree was the school’s motto:

“We live by admiration, hope, and love.”

Young Aldous Huxley and his two brothers naturally excelled in their schooling and were profoundly influenced by their mother. Even in his youth, it has been said that Aldous Huxley read a vast amount of literature which, of course, was in his bones 13. Amongst his many qualities, his chief trait was an intense Mercurial curiosity, and while he was the greatest of all talkers, he was equally the greatest of all listeners.

Major heartbreaking events 14 set into motion Huxley’s lifelong search for interconnected consciousness. His beloved mother died when he was only fourteen; a violent form of cornea inflammation left him semi-blind, and his brother unexpectedly committed suicide. As self-pity is not in Leo's character, Huxley summons up his internal resources and faces his heartbreaks with courage. 

Remaining eager to learn about everything taking place in the world, he taught himself to read Braille and type on a small portable typewriter. He also spent hours studying music and teaching himself to play the piano. All the while remaining a social person treating everyone with love and kindness
15 and a man of good humour who, like his mother, was beloved by others.

During his time at Oxford, he fit right in with the outspoken writers, artists, and critics and was known for his evolutionary stance on human development 16 

In his novels 17 and essays, he courageously argues that the only way for the human mind to achieve its true potential is by seeing things above and beyond what we usually perceive 18 Huxley goes on to explore this idea in one of his most successful works, Doors of Perception, which is based on his own experience with a mind-expanding drug called Mescaline 19In this work, Huxley unveils the true nature of reality. He discusses the idea of transcendence and that we all long for self-transcendence “as the soul craves to see itself as part of the Oneness of the universe.”

The Doors of Perception went on to impact young people in the sixties, particularly the psychedelic hippie movement, inspiring poet Jim Morrison, the writer of Light My Fire, to name his band The Doors. 

“The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out.”

For he will be more likely to bring knowledge from the heavens and create an upgrade within the group consciousness  20.

In one of his last public speeches, Huxley said: “it is a little embarrassing that, after forty-five years of research and study, the best advice I can give to people is to be a little kinder to each other” this advice he practiced daily. His beloved Laura Huxley relates that he was always loving and gentle, telling her:

“one never loves enough: how can I love you more?”

Devoted to both of his wives Maria and later to Laura, who were unusual and unique in their own way 
21. Both Maria and Laura contributed to Huxley's literary works, which arguably made the world a better place.

On his deathbed, unable to speak due to his illness, Huxley made a written request to his wife Laura for “LSD, 100 µg, intramuscular”. Three great men were eclipsed in death that day and passed into the heavenly abyss one after the other, Aldous Huxley, C. S. Lewis author of the Chronicle of Narnia, and John F. Kennedy. Shortly before his serene exit, Huxley said:

“I have known that sense of affectionate solidarity with the people around me and the Universe at large – also the sense of the world’s fundamental All-Rightness, in spite of pain, death, and bereavement”.

Literary source:

Bedford, S. 1993. Aldous Huxley: A Biography. United Kingdom: Pan Macmillan.

Grounds, E. 2014. The Bedside Book of Final Words. United Kingdom: Amberley Publishing.

Hotema, H. 1962. Awaken The World Within. United States: Kessinger Publishing, LLC.

Huxley, A. 1932. Brave New World. United Kingdom: Chatto & Windus.

Huxley, A. 1954. Doors to Perception. United States: Harper & Row.

Image References:

1. Northhampton County (or Bird-in-the-Hand) Artist Probably Chestnut Hill Township, Pennsylvania c. 1831 American Folk Art Museum

2. Cover of Répétitions 1922 by Paul Éluard with illustrations by Max Ernst Houghton Library, Open Access.

3. Theo van Doesburg kleine Dada soirée Poster Kleine Dadasoirée Haagsche K K Proof 1922, Open Access.

4. Giorgio de Chirico 1914 The Song of Love Museum of Modern Art, New York Open Access.

Judas in the Bible played a role according to the prophecy. Why then to be labelled as a trader?
Leo stands bravely, with all his mighty glory, in front of the portal of the 5th house, the house of theatre, happiness, pleasure, creativity, luck, light codes etc. In Huxley’s chart sun in Leo is positioned in the 3rd house, predisposing him to tremendous curiosity. He was on a journey of discovering everything about the world and then communicating this knowledge to everyone around (Sun trine North Node).
Mercury in Cancer in the 2nd house. The messenger of the gods who flies up and down and mediates between the immortal and the mortal aspect of the self. Mercury in Cancer in the 2nd house presents a theme of learning how to trust and value the intuition that is coming forth.

Pluto, Neptune, and Jupiter in Gemini in the 12th house; this placement indicates that Huxley was a cosmic radio station transmitting and receiving information. In this house, we embody energies of the subconscious world, mysticism, spirit, other dimensions, sleep, meditation, imagination, psychic powers, etc.


“The Power of Myth” by Joseph Campbell (moon in Leo in the 10th house)  


The others being Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Divinatory Yod in the chart. This is a rare cosmology aspect called the "Finger of God." Huxley has Yod to Midheaven in Aquarius. Yod bearers are the seekers of the Zodiac. Given to certain individuals who bring forward something needed to make further progress within the collective consciousness.

Yod, focal point 10th house of purpose, achievements, and responsibility, inconjunct Mercury in Cancer in the 2nd house of worth and value, and Chiron in Virgo in the 4th house of foundations, childhood, and home.


Leo on the 4th house.


With Saturn in Libra, the native has the social responsibility to use their diplomatic abilities to serve a collective need. To accomplish anything in life, this placement asks for human cooperation and partnership of all kinds (Saturn trine Midheaven). Saturn (builder) conjunct Uranus (breaker). This placement indicates that Huxley focused all his energy “not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

Aquarius in the 10th house describes Huxley's father Leonard as an 'intellectual aristocrat'. Saturn in trine with Midheaven indicates that Huxley's father instilled in him a pioneering intellectual spirit and a deep urge for mastery and achievement.

Moon (as the archetypal image of the mother) in the 11th house of the collective community

South Node conjunct Saturn indicates that Huxley’s ancestors passed down the responsibility to him and his brothers to disseminate knowledge and improve the collective.

Chiron in the 4th house presents a theme of learning how to heal the loss experienced in childhood.

Venus in Cancer in the 1st house indicates that Huxley exuded a gentlemanly calm. He had a sensitive and caring nature and was very devoted and loyal to his mother (Moon sextile Venus). Venus in the first house predisposed him to gentle and receptive nature. 
One of Huxley’s students was Eric Blair, who, in later life, adopted the pen name George Orwell and wrote 1984, which went on to become one of the most significant novels of the 20th century. The novel describes a society that had become a captive culture, deprived of information and ruined by hate. Similar to some of Huxley’s beliefs expressed in his utopian science fiction novel Brave New World.
His science-fiction novel Brave New World satirizes society, portraying a utopian totalitarian state where consumption and consumerism are highly enforced, solitary activities are forbidden, and people are forced to always be in the company of others.
Huxley, in his literature, warns us against consumerism and individualism, urging us to actualise our potential and become creators - not just mere spectators (North node in Aries) so that we can contribute to this grand symphony of creation. 

A psychedelic hallucinogen obtained from the small San Pedro cactus, the legendary cactus of vision.

Jupiter in Gemini in the 12th house. Jupiter trine Midheaven. MD in Aquarius. Midheaven trine Mars. Mars in Aries in the 11th house.  
7th house in Sagittarius indicates that Huxley was drawn to women who would make him feel free.